
Smiling thai in Farum

Smiling thai in Farum

Tel: 50383687


Smiling thai in Farum

Tel: 50383687 // #1
Smiling thai in Farum

Tel: 50383687 // #2

ID #72576


Om mig

Hello gents

If you want to visit a happy, smiling sexy thai then come to me🙏

Lets have some fun together and enjoy sex.
Sex always with condom.

I will do my best to give you a good time and do almost eveything to make you happy.

If you like BJ (without), COB, CIM. pussyslide, losses etc.then let me please you.

Come and Play with my Big boobs and beautifull body - pics new and validated.

My english is good and I like to talk.

I dont do anal, and sex is always with condom

I dont answer secret Numbers.

Call or text (better) and I will try to give you a fast answer.

OPEN 09.00 - 21.00 - not answer outside open hours.


Your smiling thai
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